PickleDB Class Functions

load_as_str → Loads a saved database file as string (available since 0.1)

load_as_json → Loads a saved database file as json (available since 0.1)

load_as_bytes → Loads a saved database file as bytes (available since 0.1)

load → Loads a saved database file automatically (available since 0.1)

save_as_str → Saves database as string file (available since 0.1)

save_as_json → Saves database as json file (available since 0.1)

save_as_bytes → Saves database as bytes file (available since 0.1)

save → Saves database automatically (available since 0.1)

dump → Saves database automatically (available since 0.1)

convert_to_str → Converts database to string format (available since 0.1)

convert_to_json → Converts database to json format (available since 0.1)

convert_to_bytes → Converts database to bytes format (available since 0.1)

create_key_and_value key *args expiration_time → Sets the value of a key (available since 0.1.1)

set key value expiration_time → Sets the value of a key (available since 0.1.1)

append_value_to_key key *args → Appends *args to a key (available since 0.1)

append key *args → Appends *args to a key (available since 0.1)

get_value_by_key key default_value → Gets the value of a key (available since 0.1)

get key value default_value → Gets the value of a key (available since 0.1)

get_value_type_by_key key → Gets the type of value by key (available since 0.1)

type key → Gets the type of value by key (available since 0.1)

remove_value_by_key key → Removes the value of a key (available since 0.1)

remove key value → Removes the value of a key (available since 0.1)

truncate_key key → Removes key value but not key itself (available since 0.1.1)

truncate key → Removes key value but not key itself (available since 0.1.1)

exists key → Determine if a key exists (available since 0.1)

search_keys_by_value *args accurate_search → Searchs for keys in args (available since 0.1)

search_keys_by_key *args → Searchs for keys in args (available since 0.1)

getall_keys → Gets all saved keys (available since 0.1)

getall_items → Gets all saved items (available since 0.1)

getall_values → Gets all saved values (available since 0.1)

update → Reloads database type (available since 0.1)

encrypt → Encrypts current database (available since 0.1)

encrypt_and_save → Encrypts current database and saves it (available since 0.1)

decrypt → Decrypts current database with a token (available since 0.1)

decrypt_and_save → Decrypts current database and saves it (available since 0.1)

save_token → Saves the encrypted_token as bytes format (available since 0.1)

load_token → Loads a saved encrypted_token (available since 0.1)

HopperDB Class Functions

count_values → Counts the values and the times used (available since 0.1)

values_types → Creates a dictionary with all values and its types (available since 0.1)

count_values_types → Counts the types of values and the times used (available since 0.1)

Helpers Module

create_xml_element tag value → Creates an XML Element (available since 0.3)

convert_json_to_xml dictionary → Converts json object to XML (available since 0.3)

convert_json_file_to_xml file → Converts json file object to XML (available since 0.3)

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